Trinity Youth Grades 6-12
Worship. Fellowship. Service. Learning.
Join Your Trinity Family on Sundays @ 9 am and Wednesdays @ 6 pm, to share in worship!
Do you have a Gift, Talent or Skill that you would like to share during worship??? Vocalists, Instrumentalists, Tech Team, Lectors and More are wanted!! Would you and a friend like to do the Children's Sermon?? Let us know!!
Capture the Flag - Sept 18th - Rally Sunday
Capture the Flag 2022! No Spectators! You Stay! You Play!!!
Progressive Scoring! Adults: 3, Youth: 1.
See you at the Fairgrounds at 11 am. Subway Sandwiches will be served before we play!
BEAN BAG TOURNEY!!! - October 2nd
The 2nd Annual Trinity Bean Bag Tournament. Sunday, October 2nd, 4:00-6:00 pm in the Trinity Parking Lot. $10/Team. This is a Youth Fundraiser!! Grab your fellow tosser, create a team theme, win prizes!!! Traveling Trophy!! Food will be available for Free Will Donation.
Did you miss God's Work Our Hands Sunday? Do you need Service Hours for an Organization?
There are several opportunities available to Trinity Youth for Service Projects! Please talk with Rachel or Maria and get connected!!!
Youth (Grades 6-12) will no longer have SUNDAY SCHOOL!!!
You read that right. Instead of Sunday School, there will be PM in the AM, after worship on Sunday's. PM stands for Peer Ministry, and AM, of course, means Morning.
So on Sunday Mornings, beginning Rally Day, Sunday September 18th, come on down to the Youth Room, grab some food and drink, sit with your Peers and discuss the Topic of the Day. This new opportunity allows Students to lead and learn with each other.
Stop on Down, Rally Day Sunday, to hear more about PM in the AM and how it will work!!
It's exciting!!!
Confirmation Orientation
Wednesday September 21st, after 6pm Worship, there will be Confirmation Orientation for Grades 7 & 8. Students and Guardians will meet regarding the Confirmation Handbook and requirements for Confirmation. Please bring your Family/Student Calendars. Students will need a Confirmation Mentor (A Congregational Member that is not a current Confirmation Parent). Confirmation Mentors are encouraged to attend this meeting, but not required. Question's can be directed to Pr. Jeanette.
Youth Lead Conference
On Saturday, November 5th, there is a Youth Lead Conference in Bloomington, MN @ St. Stephen Lutheran Church. This event is for Grades 6-12 Student Leaders, Youth Leaders and Adult and Parent Leadership. The full flyer is available to view on the Bulletin Boards by Rachel and Maria's Office. Please let Rachel know if you would like to go!
Youth Newsletter - September 2022
Click here to read the Newsletter!!
Let's Get Social!!!
Have you liked the Trinity Youth Instagram Page??!? You didn't know we had one?! Gah! Snap a pic of the QR Code to check it out!