Church Committees

Trinity Lutheran Church has several ways to allow for Congregational involvement.

Please share your Time and/or Talents with Trinity!

Click here for the Time and Talent sheet!

We would love to have you!

Please see below for all the way to become involved!

  • Education

    1. Responsible for the education program from pre-school through adult. 

    2. Works with camp recruitment effort and fund-raising for camp scholarships. 

    3. Maintains a nursery roll. 

    4. Plans for summer education programs. 

    5. Recruit Sunday School/Wednesday/Confirmation teaching staff.

  • Endowment

    Oversees endowment and disburses interest income to social causes.

  • Property

  • Scholarship

    1. Promote new contributions to the fund. 

    2. Research options and invest funds into interest-bearing accounts. 

    3. Distribute the earnings to qualified students for post-high school education.

  • Stewardship

    Committee Chair: Renee Beattie


    Cell #: 507-525-2297

  • Technology

    This Committee was formed to explore the potential Sanctuary Technology Opportunities.

    Future Technology tasks to include maintenance  and upkeep of current equipment.

    Click here for details regarding the Current Sanctuary Technology Project.

  • TLCW

    Trinity Lutheran Church Women

  • WAM (Worship, Arts, and Music)

    Committee Chair: Marie Northwick. 507.525.2107

    WAM's Mission is to enhance worship, using creative gifts of Congregational Members, using art and music and including special seasons of the Church Year. 

    • This Committee is made up of 9 members, each serving a 3 year term.
    • Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each month and 'as needed'.

    Committee Tasks include:

    • Recruit, support and schedule Organists.
    • Recruit, support and schedule Choir Directors and Accompanists.
    • Plan special seasonal worship serves: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Confirmation, Reformation, Ash Wednesday, Easter.
    • Arrange for readers, bread bakers, special music.
    • Arrange for worship supplies; such as wine and bread, bulletins, etc.
    • Arrange for devotional materials, including Large Print.
    • Arrange for Communion Assistants for worship services, each month.

  • Youth

    1. Give support and guidance to Youth Director. 

    2. Plans and coordinates events and trips with junior/senior high youth. 

    3. Provide direction for budgets/spending.